Forrige Krima builds new record-breaking tanks
3 large tanks for Danish customer
3 large tanks for Danish customer
100,000 liter pressure tank ready for insulation.
We have now delivered the last tank out of three to a major Danish customer, and we would like to share a bit about this impressive journey.
In the first picture you can see our 100 m³ pressure tank with two of our people on top. In the background you see one of the two 1 million liter tanks that we also delivered. It’s funny how a relatively large tank can suddenly look very small when standing next to a 1 million liter giant!
2 x 1 million liter tanks and 1 x 100,000 liter pressure tank
We have delivered three stainless steel tanks: a 1 million liter ice water tank, a 1 million liter accumulation tank, and finally this 100,000 liter pressure tank. It has been a challenge to transport the large tanks, and only the 100,000 liter tank has been delivered in one piece.
Thanks to great partners
The two 1 million liter tanks have been delivered in parts, which we have previously posted about. BMS was responsible for the transportation of the tanks and Norisol was responsible for the insulation. This is Crimea’s largest order to date and we are proud of the result. Thanks to our great team and our customer for making this possible!
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